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Talk About Periods Without Stigma

The word “period stigma” refers to the discrimination that women who menstruate experience. This stigma can take the form of a shortage of sanitation supplies or verbal shaming of menstruating women as “unclean,” resulting in a reduced quality of life and even trauma, particularly in underdeveloped countries.

Menstruation is a natural occurrence that occurs to every. It isn’t at all humiliating, but the way we talk about it gives the impression that it is. Rather than discussing it openly whether or not the opposite gender is present, code terms like “Aunt Flo,” “Code Red,” and “That Time of The Month” are used amongst ladies. It’s also regarded embarrassing in most places when a lady or a young girl gets her period unexpectedly and bleeds through her panties in public.

This encourages the perception that menstruation isn’t a topic that should be discussed openly. By discussing menstruation at home (with both fathers & mothers), social circles and in our everyday lives, women and girls will feel less humiliated to seek care.

Once girls reach puberty, many face confusion and misconceptions about periods.  Furthermore, they may not have a female adult around them knowledgeable enough to talk about menstruation with.  In some cases, girls who are young may not want to talk about it.  Menstruation education is crucial to provide timely, accurate, and age-appropriate menstrual health education to schools.  Discussing periods in K-12 classrooms can help both boys and girls understand and overcome period stigma and taboo at an early age.  As periods are a medical concern, it may be more comfortable for students to hear about menstrual health from health visitors, nurses, midwives, and expert organizations such as Days for Girls.

We may not realize it, but there is a strong connection between self-care and menstrual health. 

Girls and women who go through their phase every month must manage their blood flow, their pain and their discomfort. 

During other phases of the cycle, they also have to deal with changes in their hormonal levels, which may affect their metabolism, appetite or mood. 

Including menstrual health and hygiene in our personal care conversations can greatly improve outcomes, regarding menstrual conditions such as polycystic ovaries, dysmenorrhea and endometriosis.

That is why at we ensure that talking about your periods with your dad or in public shouldn’t be awkward.

We exist to bridge that gap, offering a platform that teaches you all about your periods, how to manage them effectively and navigate those cramp days with ease.

We don’t quite stop at just giving you all the information you need, we also provide you with the tools and resources needed to go through your periods hygienically and safely with our carefully curated box. Contact US today! Lets help the girl child live free off stigmatization.

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