
The Future of Black FemTech at AFROTECH

November 2nd, 2023 at the Hilton Austin, Chaste, CPO and Founder of Sanicle, and Crystal, Founder and CEO of Ruby Love, and CaJe Investments spoke at AFROTECH’s Health Summit. They delved into the realm of gender-inclusive innovation within the femtech industry. They also shared the pivotal role technology plays in menstrual health, Black uterus advocacy, and the transformative impact of non-gendered marketing and products. Chaste and Crystal broke down gender biases, redefined menstrual health practices, promoted inclusivity, and empowered men to be valuable allies.

The Health Summit portion of AFROTECH is presented by Bayer, and it was a game-changer in reshaping the future of health.

  • Chaste is the founder of, a femtech company dedicated to revolutionizing menstrual healthcare and promoting inclusivity and sustainability. As Chief Period Officer, he’s committed to changing the perception of menstruation with eco-friendly solutions., provides quality products, support, education, and community for women in the workplace. Chaste actively pioneers gender-inclusive femtech innovation and challenges gender biases. His impactful contributions earned recognition, including hosting the first Black Menstrual Summit and an acknowledgment from the Oklahoma Legislative Black Caucus. He’s also engaged in UN initiatives, passionately advocating for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Connect with Chaste on LinkedIn:

  • Crystal Etienne, CEO of Ruby Love, is a trailblazing Black female entrepreneur and is a major player in the period apparel sector within the femtech industry. She secured historic funding as a solo Black woman founder in the tech sector. Alongside her husband, she co-founded CaJE Inc., in 2021, an investment firm supporting Black women entrepreneurs. Crystal’s journey includes bootstrapping Ruby Love to over $10 million in revenue and growing it into an $80 million+ company within 6 years. Crystal is currently focused on investing in Black women.

Connect with Crystal on Instagram


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